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While paying cash is usually the least expensive way to get yourself into a new set of wheels, most of us are simply not in the happy position of being able to part with such a sizable chunk of cash. Thus, financing and leasing are the most viable alternatives to acquiring a new vehicle. In the following discussion of leasing and financing, you will note that leasing requires a great deal more time and space to explain. That’s because of its complex nature and should not be construed as our being biased towards it. We believe that the process of financing or leasing your new Nissan should be every bit as pleasurable as driving it.
When you finance, you’re essentially purchasing your car over time through monthly payments against a loan. While these payments are higher than what you would have with a lease, you can enjoy distinct benefits and build equity in your vehicle.
Financing is a great option if you’re aiming to own your vehicle at the end of your contract. Explore key financing benefits and find out whether it’s the right fit for you.
When you lease a car, you enter into a contract with a company like Nissan Canada Finance and agree to terms around the vehicle’s use. These can include the duration of the lease, a yearly mileage cap, acceptable damages and the like. It’s a long-term rental and it offers lower monthly payments than financing. That’s because you’re paying for what you use — rather than paying to own.
Lower monthly payments are great, but did you know there are other ways you can benefit from having a lease? Learn more about the perks of leasing and see whether it’s the right fit for you.
Whether you choose to finance or lease your new Nissan, you still have the same responsibilities, such as paying for its insurance, maintenance, licensing and registration. As you would be with any financial institution, you are responsible for notifying us of any personal information changes such as your address, bank accounts, and home or office telephone numbers. And, finance or lease, you must inform us immediately if your car or truck is involved in an accident or has been stolen. Likewise, you are responsible for any toll charges, fines, parking tickets, towing and impound charges.
For more information, contact us.